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I found what was wrong : In models/, in get_global_instant_notification_subscribers, you used the q_all feed type with i frequency filter only for exclude ignored tags and for only interesting tags, but NOT for show all tags tag filter.

Just have to change the part :

    #segment of users who have tag filter turned off
    global_subscribers = User.objects.filter(
        email_tag_filter_strategy = const.INCLUDE_ALL

to :

    #segment of users who have tag filter turned off
    global_subscribers = User.objects.filter(
        email_tag_filter_strategy = const.INCLUDE_ALL
    if global_subscribers:
        instant_subscribers = EmailFeedSetting.objects.filter_subscribers(
            potential_subscribers = global_subscribers,
            feed_type = 'q_all',
            frequency = 'i'

and it works well.