Do blocked users get email updates?

I use the blocked user to effectively delete someone without their account being actually removed (e.g. they were a spammer). Would that blocked account's email address continue to get emails from askbot?

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Jtrain's avatar
asked 12 years ago


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1 Answer


Pushed a small fix to the repository to remove blocked users from notifications. They should not be receiving them now.

Also I thought of just turning off all email subscriptions for the blocked users, but decided against it b/c in the case you want to unblock them, the old settings will be lost.

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Evgeny's avatar
answered 12 years ago



We recently started getting a ton of bounced emails due to accounts created by spam bots that were subscribed to All Questions. Is there anyway to bulk block a large number of accounts? I'd rather not have to block them individually.

quang777's avatar quang777 (9 years ago)
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