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Auto-suggest username when typing '@' in a comment

I've seen on some comments that there is a comment related to a specific user that has indicate with @ and after the user name.

Is a really good thing for me but can be that i've not seen, but it appears strange that i must write the user's nick and that there is not a way to have a dropdown menu in that appears the nick of users that partecipate at the question?

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asked 2012-08-24 12:34:53 -0600
todofixthis's avatar
updated 2012-08-24 19:14:02 -0600
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2 Answers


Currently this feature is not available. Its a nice to have feature request.

I was very much impressed the way facebook does this - Facebook matches your friend/LIKE list as you type just few characters. No need to press @user too. Lot's of intelligence goes behind.

BTW, I'm working on this feature.


Integrating this will autocomplete @usernames like Facebook!

pajju's avatar
answered 2012-08-24 14:07:56 -0600, updated 2013-10-17 13:02:20 -0600
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VERY Good that you are working on this. Thank you for answer and for interest. I look also the G+ example and the facebook to have something to inspire you . Good work :)

I Like AskBot's avatar I Like AskBot (2012-08-24 14:12:03 -0600) edit

@pajju, then upvote his request;)

Evgeny's avatar Evgeny (2012-08-24 14:18:22 -0600) edit

:P Thank You @Evgeny

I Like AskBot's avatar I Like AskBot (2012-08-24 14:19:53 -0600) edit

@Evgeny done. ;)

pajju's avatar pajju (2012-08-24 14:30:50 -0600) edit

@pajju, did you find a solution on how to correctly position the autocomplete dropdown over the text input?

Evgeny's avatar Evgeny (2012-08-25 11:04:24 -0600) edit

Yes i'm really interested about :P

I Like AskBot's avatar I Like AskBot (2012-08-26 09:50:04 -0600) edit

@pajju -- Are you still working on this feature?

qubit's avatar qubit (2013-03-25 23:04:34 -0600) edit

I see that on Private Messages the direct access to user names without using @ or writiing the exact name is pssible. Why to not use this featire on the body of answer and comment? Thank You

I Like AskBot's avatar I Like AskBot (2013-07-07 02:16:36 -0600) edit
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I continue to be really interested about this feature.

I Like AskBot's avatar
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answered 2013-03-26 00:47:03 -0600
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Same here!

Chankey Pathak's avatar Chankey Pathak (2013-07-03 03:55:33 -0600) edit
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