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Auto-suggest username when typing '@' in a comment

I've seen on some comments that there is a comment related to a specific user that has indicate with @ and after the user name.

Is a really good thing for me but can be that i've not seen, but it appears strange that i must write the user's nick and that there is not a way to have a dropdown menu in that appears the nick of users that partecipate at the question?

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asked 2012-08-24 12:34:53 -0600
todofixthis's avatar
updated 2012-08-24 19:14:02 -0600
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2 Answers


Currently this feature is not available. Its a nice to have feature request.

I was very much impressed the way facebook does this - Facebook matches your friend/LIKE list as you type just few characters. No need to press @user too. Lot's of intelligence goes behind.

BTW, I'm working on this feature.


Integrating this will autocomplete @usernames like Facebook!

pajju's avatar
answered 2012-08-24 14:07:56 -0600, updated 2013-10-17 13:02:20 -0600
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VERY Good that you are working on this. Thank you for answer and for interest. I look also the G+ example and the facebook to have something to inspire you . Good work :)

I Like AskBot's avatar I Like AskBot (2012-08-24 14:12:03 -0600) edit

@pajju, then upvote his request;)

Evgeny's avatar Evgeny (2012-08-24 14:18:22 -0600) edit

:P Thank You @Evgeny

I Like AskBot's avatar I Like AskBot (2012-08-24 14:19:53 -0600) edit

@Evgeny done. ;)

pajju's avatar pajju (2012-08-24 14:30:50 -0600) edit

@pajju, did you find a solution on how to correctly position the autocomplete dropdown over the text input?

Evgeny's avatar Evgeny (2012-08-25 11:04:24 -0600) edit

Yes i'm really interested about :P

I Like AskBot's avatar I Like AskBot (2012-08-26 09:50:04 -0600) edit

@pajju -- Are you still working on this feature?

qubit's avatar qubit (2013-03-25 23:04:34 -0600) edit

I see that on Private Messages the direct access to user names without using @ or writiing the exact name is pssible. Why to not use this featire on the body of answer and comment? Thank You

I Like AskBot's avatar I Like AskBot (2013-07-07 02:16:36 -0600) edit

I'm occupied with personal work as of now. Will resume it in my free time. ;)

pajju's avatar pajju (2013-10-08 05:29:28 -0600) edit

Thank You @pajju. i hope that you can have more free time and you want to add this feature :) Is not possible to use the same engine used on the private messages section? How can we use that feature on the question or answer or comment on our askbot site?

I Like AskBot's avatar I Like AskBot (2013-10-08 05:32:52 -0600) edit

@Evgeny @i-like-askbot will solve this issue. The autocomplete dropdown works well and over the Text Input, tested. Please consider merging. :)

pajju's avatar pajju (2013-10-17 12:59:22 -0600) edit

Really thankyou, @pajju, when you say "comment" you refer to questions ansers and comments is correct? On this comment, for example, you have not mentioned me and with this feature will not happen more :) There is an example of this code in an askbot site? I've read on hithub that is needed to fork the code or i've not understood something? Newly thank you for the link

I Like AskBot's avatar I Like AskBot (2013-10-18 01:45:41 -0600) edit
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I continue to be really interested about this feature.

I Like AskBot's avatar
I Like AskBot
answered 2013-03-26 00:47:03 -0600
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Same here!

Chankey Pathak's avatar Chankey Pathak (2013-07-03 03:55:33 -0600) edit
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