Admin settings (as superuser) are not saving
I am logged into the admin panel as a superuser, any entry or tickbox i select/deselect just returns to it's previous value when i press save.
It's basically reading the db values, but not writing. Any suggestions?
Do you have your own installation?
Actually that isn't quite true, after just testing a bit. It is actually updating the tables as i turned on and off the logos and actually added some content via those methods. It's really offputting because you can't see if the changes have taken place, as it reloads the page with the default values, not the actual values of what is in the db. Any suggestions?
Yes, i have my own installation. Oddly i think this might be connected to another issue. It seems some javascript parts are not working on the installation. For example i can't actually use this "add comment" button on my own site. But that doesn't explain the admin panel, though somehow i think someone is going to tell me it is related.