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Your output encoding is not UTF-8, there may be issues with the software when anything is printed to the terminal or log files

Hi, I get the error message shown in the title when I run management commands on my AskBot installation.

My terminal is configured for UTF-8. What else could be wrong?

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siovene's avatar
asked 12 years ago
Evgeny's avatar
updated 12 years ago


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1 Answer


In this case your python output encoding for stdout and stderr streams is not "utf-8". The message gives you a warning as whenever a non-ascii message is logged or printed to the standard output there will be an exception.

For example - statements like logging.debug('....') may cause 500 errors in this situation.

One solution to this is to have logging.debug('....').encode('utf-8')) everywhere - to make sure that you print just bytes, but this would be too tedious. Another - set the output encoding to 'utf-8' at run time.

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Evgeny's avatar
answered 12 years ago
siovene's avatar
updated 12 years ago


Thanks. Do you have any idea how to set the python encoding at run-time, like you said in your last paragraph?

siovene's avatar siovene (12 years ago)

@Evgeny, bump :-)

siovene's avatar siovene (12 years ago)
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