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Is ASKBOT project still alive?

It seems that hasn't been updated since 2016, docs at are properly 404 dead, the latest release on the GitHUB has been released on 2015-04-22, in the askbot_requirements.txt I found django>=1.8,<1.9... At a time of this writing the latest official version of django is v2.1.4, so AskBot is quite a bit behind.

Despite all the negative, git log kind of reveals that it's still pretty active project:

$ git log -100 --date=iso | grep Date: | sort -ruk2,2
Date:   2018-10-28 16:26:23 -0300
Date:   2018-10-15 21:34:30 -0300
Date:   2018-10-14 17:09:29 -0300
Date:   2018-10-13 16:14:25 -0300
Date:   2018-09-23 20:06:21 -0300
Date:   2018-09-22 19:53:15 -0300
Date:   2018-09-17 17:22:02 -0300
Date:   2018-09-06 11:41:11 -0300
Date:   2018-09-04 20:24:43 -0300
Date:   2018-09-02 11:52:41 -0300
Date:   2018-08-28 11:15:44 -0300
Date:   2018-08-26 13:32:05 -0300
Date:   2018-08-25 20:01:44 -0300
Date:   2018-08-18 19:22:05 -0300
Date:   2018-08-15 09:25:52 -0300
Date:   2018-08-12 20:18:20 -0300
Date:   2018-08-05 21:22:23 -0400
Date:   2018-07-22 17:44:37 -0400
Date:   2018-07-14 21:46:46 -0400
Date:   2018-05-28 12:06:19 -0400
Date:   2018-05-26 20:27:24 -0400
Date:   2018-05-25 10:09:06 -0400
Date:   2018-05-24 19:18:06 -0400
Date:   2018-05-20 21:17:18 -0400
Date:   2018-05-19 20:08:32 -0400
Date:   2018-05-14 11:23:25 -0400
Date:   2018-04-29 12:31:34 -0300

So it begs the question, whether it's still alive?

We are considering to migrate our forum board to the AskBot, as the latest trends show that most of the visitors come just to get their questions resolved, rather than discussing about the matters. All things being equal it seems that AskBot might be exactly what we need, but it's hard to consider it as the viable option if it is approaching the end of its life.