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How to turn Q&A framework into a proposal submission system?

Hi ( @Federico Poloni and others who might be interested),

Could you describe how you imagine the proposal submission system based on the Q&A platform? What kind of workflow do you expect?


How to turn tweak Q&A framework to turn it into a proposal submission system?

Hi ( @Federico Poloni and others who might be interested),

Could you describe how you imagine the proposal submission system based on the Q&A platform? What kind of workflow do you expect?


How to tweak Q&A framework to turn it into a fit proposal submission system?

Hi ( @Federico Poloni and others who might be interested),

Could you describe how you imagine the proposal submission system based on the Q&A platform? What kind of workflow do you expect?


How to tweak Q&A framework to fit proposal submission system?

Hi ( @Federico Poloni and others who might be interested),

Could could you describe how you imagine the proposal submission system based on the Q&A platform? What kind of workflow do you expect?platform?


How to tweak Q&A framework to fit proposal submission system?

Hi ( @Federico (@Federico Poloni and others who might be interested),

could you describe how you imagine the proposal submission system based on the Q&A platform?
