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hide OpenID mentions when LDAP is activated

I think that LDAP is used only into companies. In my case that I imagine to be the most frequent one in companies, if LDAP is used there is no other provider activated.

So I would like to remove the panel on the right explaining why OpenID is good for me.

I think that I can do it myself by creating a custom skin and updating the file templates/authopenid/signin.html but in my opinion it should be done natively if ldap is activated.

hide OpenID mentions when LDAP is activated

I think that LDAP is used only into companies. In my case that I imagine to be the most frequent one in companies, if LDAP is used there is no other provider activated.

So I would like to remove the panel on the right explaining why OpenID is good for me.

I think that I can do it myself by creating a custom skin and updating the file templates/authopenid/signin.html but in my opinion it should be done natively if ldap is activated.