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Content-Type header at the beginning of a feedback email

The following line is present at the beginning of feedback emails :

Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

This should not be displayed. The difference with other methods that sent emails in askbot seems to be the usage of the method render_to_response instead of render to generate the body. Here is a usefull link

Content-Type header at the beginning of a feedback email

The following line is present at the beginning of feedback emails :

Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

This should not be displayed. The difference with other methods that sent emails in askbot seems to be the usage of the method render_to_response instead of render to generate the body. Here is a usefull link

Content-Type header at the beginning of a feedback email

The following line is present at the beginning of feedback emails :

Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

This should not be displayed. The difference with other methods that sent emails in askbot seems to be the usage of the method render_to_response instead of render to generate the body. Here is a usefull link