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Social sharing questions. Fix for bug?

I had some problems on sharing questions in Linked In, Twitter and Facebook. After some investigation, I think I solved this problem but I need your help to verify that my fixes are correct.

I have no experience with git hub so I will not commit something there. If you want and have time(@Evgeny), you can send me an email with some basic instructions of how I can commit there my changes.

What I have done. I changed inside post.js the following:

  • line 1810. change linkedin url


url: "{URL}&source={TEXT}", params: "width=630,height=436,toolbar=1,status=1,resizable=1,scrollbars=1"


url: "{URL}&title={TEXT}", params: "width=630,height=436,toolbar=1,status=1,resizable=1,scrollbars=1"

I removed amp; twice and I also changed source to title

  • line 1845 (I will need your opinion on that) I changed


TEXT = escape($('h1 > a').html());


TEXT = $('h1 > a').html();

I removed escaping, because when I tried to post greek questions (non latin characters) the url created was not valid (contained a lot of % because of escaping) and twitter sharing didnt work. Now it works.

Do you think that removing escaping will create any problems?

Social sharing questions. Fix for bug?

I had some problems on sharing questions in Linked In, Twitter and Facebook. After some investigation, I think I solved this problem but I need your help to verify that my fixes are correct.

I have no experience with git hub so I will not commit something there. If you want and have time(@Evgeny), you can send me an email with some basic instructions of how I can commit there my changes.

What I have done. I changed inside post.js the following:

  • line 1810. change linkedin url


url: "{URL}&source={TEXT}", params: "width=630,height=436,toolbar=1,status=1,resizable=1,scrollbars=1"


url: "{URL}&title={TEXT}", params: "width=630,height=436,toolbar=1,status=1,resizable=1,scrollbars=1"

I removed amp; twice and I also changed source to title

  • line 1845 (I will need your opinion on that) I changed


TEXT = escape($('h1 > a').html());


TEXT = $('h1 > a').html();

I removed escaping, because when I tried to post greek questions (non latin characters) the url created was not valid (contained a lot of % because of escaping) and twitter sharing didnt work. Now Not it works.

Do you think that removing escaping will create any problems?

Social sharing questions. Fix for bug?

I had some problems on sharing questions in Linked In, Twitter and Facebook. After some investigation, I think I solved this problem but I need your help to verify that my fixes are correct.

I have no experience with git hub so I will not commit something there. If you want and have time(@Evgeny), you can send me an email with some basic instructions of how I can commit there my changes.

What I have done. I changed inside post.js the following:

  • line 1810. change linkedin url


url: "{URL}&source={TEXT}", params: "width=630,height=436,toolbar=1,status=1,resizable=1,scrollbars=1"


url: "{URL}&title={TEXT}", params: "width=630,height=436,toolbar=1,status=1,resizable=1,scrollbars=1"

I removed amp; twice and I also changed source to title

  • line 1845 (I will need your opinion on that) I changed


TEXT = escape($('h1 > a').html());


TEXT = $('h1 > a').html();

I removed escaping, because when I tried to post greek questions (non latin characters) the url created was not valid (contained a lot of % because of escaping) and twitter sharing didnt work. Not it works.

Do you think that removing escaping will create any problems?

Social sharing questions. Fix for bug?

I had some problems sharing questions in Linked In, Twitter and Facebook. After some investigation, I think I solved this problem but I need your help to verify that my fixes are correct.

I have no experience with git hub so I will not commit something there. If you want and have time(@Evgeny), you can send me an email with some basic instructions of how I can commit there my changes.

What I have done. I changed inside post.js the following:

  • line 1810. change linkedin url


url: "{URL}&source={TEXT}", params: "width=630,height=436,toolbar=1,status=1,resizable=1,scrollbars=1"


url: "{URL}&title={TEXT}", params: "width=630,height=436,toolbar=1,status=1,resizable=1,scrollbars=1"

I removed amp; twice and I also changed source to title

  • line 1845 (I will need your opinion on that) I changed


TEXT = escape($('h1 > a').html());


TEXT = $('h1 > a').html();

I removed escaping, because when I tried to post greek questions (non latin characters) the url created was not valid (contained a lot of % because of escaping) and twitter sharing didnt work. Not it works.

Do you think that removing escaping will create any problems?

Social sharing questions. Fix for bug?

I had some problems sharing questions in Linked In, Twitter and Facebook. After some investigation, I think I solved this problem but I need your help to verify that my fixes are correct.

I have no experience with git hub so I will not commit something there. If you want and have time(@Evgeny), you can send me an email with some basic instructions of how I can commit there my changes.

What I have done. I changed inside post.js the following:

  • line 1810. change linkedin linked in url


url: "{URL}&source={TEXT}", params: "width=630,height=436,toolbar=1,status=1,resizable=1,scrollbars=1"


url: "{URL}&title={TEXT}", params: "width=630,height=436,toolbar=1,status=1,resizable=1,scrollbars=1"

I removed amp; twice and I also changed change source to title

  • line 1845 (I will need your opinion on that) I changed


TEXT = escape($('h1 > a').html());


TEXT = $('h1 > a').html();

I removed escaping, because when I tried to post greek questions (non latin characters) the url created was not valid (contained a lot of % because of escaping) and twitter sharing didnt work. Not it works. Do you think that removing escaping will create any problems?

Social sharing questions. Fix for bug?

I had some problems sharing questions in Linked In, Twitter and Facebook. After some investigation, I think I solved this problem but I need your help to verify that my fixes are correct.

I have no experience with git hub so I will not commit something there. If you want and have time(@Evgeny), you can send me an email with some basic instructions of how I can commit there my changes.

What I have done. I changed inside post.js post.js the following:

  • line 1810. change linked in url


url: "{URL}&source={TEXT}", params: "width=630,height=436,toolbar=1,status=1,resizable=1,scrollbars=1"


url: "{URL}&title={TEXT}", params: "width=630,height=436,toolbar=1,status=1,resizable=1,scrollbars=1"

I removed amp; twice and I also change source to title

  • line 1845 (I will need your opinion on that) I changed


TEXT = escape($('h1 > a').html());


TEXT = $('h1 > a').html();

I removed escaping, because when I tried to post greek questions (non latin characters) the url created was not valid (contained a lot of % because of escaping) and twitter sharing didnt work. Not it works. Do you think that removing escaping will create any problems?