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Save answers as temporary Drafts

To save answers as temporary Drafts for every Question posted -

This serves 2 things -

  • As a personal note/reminder for the next time you visit the same Post. You are updating yourself at every re-visit.

  • You can now Save partial answers for later. i.e Whatever you type goes for draft. (See Quora)

Let's not forget; today everyone has Multiple browsing devices.

It will serve to Improve your answers and SAVE repeatedly until you convince yourself its the time to publish NOW. :)

Askbot Feature - Save answers as temporary Drafts

To save answers as temporary Drafts for every Question posted -

This serves 2 things -

  • As a personal note/reminder for the next time you visit the same Post. You are updating yourself at every re-visit.

  • You can now Save partial answers for later. i.e Whatever you type goes for draft. (See Quora)

Let's not forget; today everyone has Multiple browsing devices.

It will serve to Improve your answers and SAVE repeatedly until you convince yourself its the time to publish NOW. :)

Askbot Feature - Save answers as temporary Drafts

To save answers as temporary Drafts for every Question posted -

This serves 2 things -

  • As a personal note/reminder for the next time you visit the same Post. You are updating yourself at every re-visit.

  • You can now Save partial answers for later. i.e Whatever you type goes for draft. (See Quora)

Let's not forget; today everyone (Everyone has Multiple browsing devices.

It will serve devices today) This also serves to Improve your answers answer and SAVE save repeatedly until you convince yourself its the time to publish NOW. :)