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SocialQA's profile - karma

SocialQA's karma change log

10 0 Changed by moderator. Reason: Compensated by admin during recalculation of karma (2020-12-12 12:08:27 -0500)

10 0 What may be wrong with using the local memory caching? (2015-02-05 18:51:54 -0500)

10 0 Setting up cron job - no instructions (2015-02-03 13:51:09 -0500)

10 0 handle anonymous answered own question (2014-07-17 08:07:11 -0500)

10 0 anonymous answer (2014-04-16 09:13:15 -0500)

10 0 Send Periodic emails about unanswered question (2014-02-07 14:15:04 -0500)

10 0 handle anonymous answered own question (2014-01-31 00:07:39 -0500)

10 0 Is it possible to add django-jinja to askbot (2014-01-24 11:36:39 -0500)

10 0 How to setup email notifcation (2013-12-22 13:02:03 -0500)

2 0 how to set {{app_name}} to other than "Askbot" (2013-12-21 10:57:41 -0500)

10 0 how to set {{app_name}} to other than "Askbot" (2013-12-21 10:49:30 -0500)

10 0 admin logout throw exception (2013-12-11 14:20:19 -0500)

10 0 block user going further after sign in (2013-12-01 13:46:57 -0500)

10 0 connecting new feature with karma (2013-11-23 14:35:04 -0500)

10 0 connecting new feature with karma (2013-11-21 22:34:40 -0500)

0 -10 connecting new feature with karma (2013-11-21 22:34:37 -0500)

10 0 connecting new feature with karma (2013-11-21 22:34:34 -0500)

2 0 Migrate other than askbot and django_authopenid (2013-11-14 13:23:28 -0500)

2 0 Introduce new variables in (2013-11-12 16:51:50 -0500)

10 0 Switching to Postgres but Migration issues. (2013-11-08 09:52:56 -0500)

2 0 Postgres Migration Issue and relation "askbot_thread" does not exist (2013-10-29 14:24:10 -0500)

10 0 anonymous answer (2013-09-26 08:22:14 -0500)

10 0 anonymous answer (2013-09-25 13:59:53 -0500)

10 0 populate questions (2013-09-23 15:33:17 -0500)

10 0 populate questions (2013-09-20 09:48:34 -0500)

2 0 skins issue: warnings.warn('Cannot translate loader: %s' % loader) (2013-09-12 03:20:02 -0500)

10 0 Authentication and django_authopenid_association (2013-03-28 23:33:07 -0500)

2 0 Login PNG Location (2013-03-27 17:32:45 -0500)

10 0 Login PNG Location (2013-03-27 16:26:12 -0500)

10 0 Where should I start on adding new authentication module (2013-03-25 19:42:09 -0500)

10 0 What may be wrong with using the local memory caching? (2013-03-25 02:08:14 -0500)

10 0 How do I start building my own skins (2013-03-23 16:04:24 -0500)

10 0 What may be wrong with using the local memory caching? (2013-03-21 23:59:17 -0500)

10 0 skins issue: warnings.warn('Cannot translate loader: %s' % loader) (2013-03-21 23:53:54 -0500)

2 0 unable to find askbot-setup file (2013-03-12 18:15:56 -0500)