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marin's profile - activity

2017-01-13 06:52:48 -0600 received badge Notable Question (source)
2014-12-13 19:24:15 -0600 received badge Popular Question (source)
2014-12-13 19:24:15 -0600 received badge Famous Question (source)
2013-10-29 10:40:36 -0600 commented answer Installing askbot - 1054, "Unknown column 'auth_user.tag_filter_setting' in 'field list'

There seems to be more problems after all. When I go to SIGN IN app breaks with error- (1054, "Unknown column 'askbot_anonymousquestion.is_anonymous' in 'field list'"). I added boolean field in database manually so it worked but when I go to create new user account via url app breaks with database error: (1364, "Field 'response_count' doesn't have a default value"). Same thing heppens if I go and add user manualy via: python add_askbot_user

2013-10-28 18:06:58 -0600 commented answer Installing askbot - 1054, "Unknown column 'auth_user.tag_filter_setting' in 'field list'

Thank you Fitoria, it worked fine!

2013-10-28 18:06:16 -0600 received badge Scholar ( source )
2013-10-28 14:36:16 -0600 asked a question Installing askbot - 1054, "Unknown column 'auth_user.tag_filter_setting' in 'field list'

Hi there,

I have installed askbot inside vritualenv using pip install askbot and I am using MySQL database.

When I ran python migrate askbot - migration failed with error: DatabaseError: (1054, "Unknown column 'auth_user.tag_filter_setting' in 'field list'")

When running server and opening page in browser app breaks with error: (1146, "Table 'askbot.askbot_thread' doesn't exist")

I was fallowing install documentation all the way. What can I do to fix this issues?

Thank you for the assistance.

Best regards, Marin