hollomancer's profile - activity
2014-10-19 23:21:37 -0600 | answered a question | Sanction package version I went ahead and changed to sanction==0.3.1 and that seems to be doing the trick. |
2014-10-19 23:12:17 -0600 | commented question | Sanction package version I am also encountering this issue. |
2014-10-19 20:26:14 -0600 | answered a question | jinja2.exceptions.UndefinedError: 'skin' is undefined I have been encountering this same error here and there. Changing DEBUG to True revealed that this error is really hiding other errors. Once I fixed the error behind it, this stopped happening. |
2014-10-18 23:40:18 -0600 | commented question | jinja2.exceptions.UndefinedError: 'skin' is undefined I am also encountering this issue after turning DEBUG to False. |