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frankoid's profile - activity

2015-01-28 05:26:10 -0600 commented answer jinja2.exceptions.UndefinedError: 'skin' is undefined

I was also getting `UndefinedError: 'skin' is undefined` when trying to save users in the Django admin (I'm trying to grant superuser permissions to some users). When I set `DEBUG = True` in `` this revealed that the underlying error was: IntegrityError at /admin/auth/user/23/ (1451, 'Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`askbot`.`askbot_groupmembership`, CONSTRAINT `authusergroups_ptr_id_refs_id_e728db87` FOREIGN KEY (`authusergroups_ptr_id`) REFERENCES `auth_user_groups` (`id`))') Googling for this error led me to, which recommends switching to Postgres or switching from MySQL InnoDB to MySQL MyISAM (which isn't that attractive because MyISAM doesn't support foreign keys).