Placing avatar next to question in homepage
I would like to place user avatar's next to question in homepage. Any easy method to achieve this?
I ended up editing askbot/templates/widgets/question_summary.html file. I created a new html under widgets, called user_card_small.html. This is because user_card.html gives relatively big avatar to put near voting boxes.
Here is question_summary.html change. I used votes again, I was lazy to change style.css :)
<div class="votes">
{% with question.get_owner() as theuser %}
{% include 'widgets/user_card_small.html' %}
{% endwith %}
Here is user_card_small.html
{% import "macros.html" as macros %}
thumbnail for the user - shown on the users listings
and elsewhere
<div class="user-card">
{{ macros.gravatar(theuser, 40) }}
Only problem though, it doesn't appear nice on the block since user_card has different size than voting box. Even though I played with css a bit, I couldn't get to fit it in the box.
The easiest way is to add a new skin and change the question template.
I posted the way I did it, not the best though.
To enter a block of code: