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askbot login fields doesn't accept return [~fixed]

When using the askbot login method, the username and password fields show up. If you press the "enter/return" key, both fields clear.

This is a minor usability issue, where new user tend to do the sequence: Username <tab> password <return> instead of Username <tab> password <tab> <return>

Is it possible for the dialog to accept return in the password field as a click on the "sign in" button?

Evgeny's avatar
updated 2010-11-10 11:54:17 -0600
Benoit's avatar
asked 2010-10-20 20:55:49 -0600
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I agree, the enter key handing in the login screen is broken.
Evgeny's avatar Evgeny (2010-10-21 18:29:28 -0600) edit
also I can't login through google by hitting enter on the google icon, and when you hit enter when openid url is in focus you get kicked into password login form.
Evgeny's avatar Evgeny (2010-10-21 18:32:56 -0600) edit
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2 Answers


With the last version (0.6.82) it works with ie6, ie7, ie8, ff4 but not with the chrome.

Samuel's avatar
answered 2011-05-11 11:44:27 -0600
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Samuel, I could not reproduce the problem with Chrome, works fine for me.
Evgeny's avatar Evgeny (2011-05-11 16:06:26 -0600) edit
I thought it appeared only when the askbot button was displayed but I cannot reproduce it anymore.
Samuel's avatar Samuel (2011-05-18 04:14:25 -0600) edit
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I've fixed the particular behaviours that you've mentioned, but there's room for more improvement in this area, e.g. support for cursor keys in the "matrix" of login methods and auto-focussing on fields that are filled out incorrectly.

Evgeny's avatar
answered 2010-10-21 20:25:24 -0600
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