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How do "accept answer" reminders work?

We've enabled the "send accept answer reminders" in the config and also set up a cron job etc. as required. It works on our staging instance. Before we move it to the production instance however, I wanted to know how it actually works? For instance, if I set a cron to send daily reminders, does it mean all questions, where answers have not been accepted will cause daily reminders? Or is there a time delay, say a week after an answer was provided, after which the asker will be sent a reminder?

We just want to ensure that enabling the service doesn't result in too many reminders going out.

How do On "accept answer" reminders work?reminders

We've enabled the "send accept answer reminders" in the config and also set up a cron job etc. as required. It works on our staging instance. Before we move it to the production instance however, I wanted to know how it actually works? For instance, if I set a cron to send daily reminders, does it mean all questions, where answers have not been accepted will cause daily reminders? Or is there a time delay, say a week after an answer was provided, after which the asker will be sent a reminder?

We just want to ensure that enabling the service doesn't result in too many reminders going out.