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Some page is rendered partially in English and partially in Chinese

Sometimes (both on linux and windows, Firefox) it happens that pages are rendered with a different language from the one selected or in in a mix of language. It happened right now with the question Improving documentation. There is a screenshot for the issue.

I'm not able to give a recipe to reproduce this behavior, it seems to happen "randomly". The good news is that refreshing the page is enough to fix the thing.

Any thougt?

Some page is rendered partially in English and partially in ChineseJapanese

Sometimes (both on linux and windows, Firefox) it happens that pages are rendered with a different language from the one selected or in in a mix of language. It happened right now with the question Improving documentation. There is a screenshot for the issue.

I'm not able to give a recipe to reproduce this behavior, it seems to happen "randomly". The good news is that refreshing the page is enough to fix the thing.

Any thougt?

Some page is rendered partially in English and partially in Japanese

Sometimes (both on linux and windows, Firefox) it happens that pages are rendered with a different language from the one selected or selected, English in in a mix of language. my case. It happened right now with the question Improving documentation. There is a screenshot for the issue.

I'm not able to give a recipe to reproduce this behavior, it seems to happen "randomly". The good news is that refreshing the page is enough to fix the thing.

Any thougt?