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felix k's profile - karma

felix k's karma change log

10 0 Prevent and fix tags starting with a hash-sign (2016-03-09 06:11:13 -0500)

10 0 FAQ's karma list generated automatically (2016-03-09 06:11:03 -0500)

10 0 karma vs buttons curiosities (e.g. not working delete button) (2016-03-09 06:10:29 -0500)

10 0 Prevent and fix tags starting with a hash-sign (2013-12-12 14:54:08 -0500)

10 0 karma vs buttons curiosities (e.g. not working delete button) (2013-03-27 16:09:06 -0500)

10 0 FAQ's karma list generated automatically (2013-03-19 01:46:44 -0500)

10 0 FAQ's karma list generated automatically (2013-03-04 09:03:40 -0500)