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I Like AskBot's profile - karma

I Like AskBot's karma change log

10 0 Suggestions for antispam measures? (2021-01-30 11:58:01 -0600)

10 0 How to see who's an admin or moderator (2016-01-11 03:32:08 -0600)

10 0 How to see who's an admin or moderator (2014-09-05 10:44:25 -0600)

10 0 Auto-suggest username when typing '@' in a comment (2013-09-13 03:56:50 -0600)

10 0 Auto-suggest username when typing '@' in a comment (2013-07-03 03:54:29 -0600)

10 0 How to see who's an admin or moderator (2013-04-01 08:17:54 -0600)

10 0 Auto-suggest username when typing '@' in a comment (2013-03-25 23:03:25 -0600)

10 0 Receiving double notifications if I comment/answer and follow a question (2012-10-31 23:54:06 -0600)

10 0 Suggestions for antispam measures? (2012-09-01 00:44:40 -0600)

10 0 Suggestions for antispam measures? (2012-08-31 16:26:44 -0600)

1 0 Add ability for users to ignore certain other users' posts (2012-08-31 15:43:30 -0600)

0 -2 Add ability for users to ignore certain other users' posts (2012-08-31 15:43:29 -0600)

1 0 Add ability for users to ignore certain other users' posts (2012-08-31 15:43:26 -0600)

0 -2 Add ability for users to ignore certain other users' posts (2012-08-31 15:43:21 -0600)

10 0 Internationalization of user posts (2012-08-31 08:49:10 -0600)

10 0 Identify friends in askbot site (2012-08-30 21:02:46 -0600)

10 0 Identify friends in askbot site (2012-08-30 10:21:15 -0600)

10 0 Identify friends in askbot site (2012-08-30 03:43:33 -0600)

0 -2 Where is the Poll? (2012-08-30 02:21:52 -0600)

0 -10 Identify a user's role with his username/avatar (2012-08-29 12:45:47 -0600)

10 0 Identify a user's role with his username/avatar (2012-08-29 12:44:58 -0600)

10 0 Identify a user's role with his username/avatar (2012-08-29 09:30:33 -0600)

2 0 Posting/uploading a video in an answer (2012-08-27 12:59:53 -0600)

0 -2 Posting/uploading a video in an answer (2012-08-27 12:59:44 -0600)

10 0 Auto-suggest username when typing '@' in a comment (2012-08-27 11:40:30 -0600)

10 0 Emoticon on questions or answers (2012-08-27 10:43:54 -0600)

2 0 Posting/uploading a video in an answer (2012-08-27 10:06:38 -0600)

10 0 Open links in other page or new TAB (2012-08-27 09:33:07 -0600)

10 0 Emoticon on questions or answers (2012-08-27 05:06:44 -0600)

10 0 Can users answer their own questions? (2012-08-25 18:38:07 -0600)

10 0 Auto-suggest username when typing '@' in a comment (2012-08-25 11:04:33 -0600)

10 0 Determine expert users not only with generic Karma for all (2012-08-25 10:51:12 -0600)

10 0 Determine expert users not only with generic Karma for all (2012-08-25 07:08:07 -0600)

2 0 Can users answer their own questions? (2012-08-25 00:15:39 -0600)

10 0 Auto-suggest username when typing '@' in a comment (2012-08-24 19:14:18 -0600)

10 0 Can users answer their own questions? (2012-08-24 15:23:23 -0600)

10 0 Receiving double notifications if I comment/answer and follow a question (2012-08-24 15:04:34 -0600)

10 0 Can users answer their own questions? (2012-08-24 15:03:31 -0600)

10 0 Auto-suggest username when typing '@' in a comment (2012-08-24 15:02:16 -0600)

10 0 Auto-suggest username when typing '@' in a comment (2012-08-24 14:29:58 -0600)

0 -10 Auto-suggest username when typing '@' in a comment (2012-08-24 14:29:57 -0600)

10 0 Auto-suggest username when typing '@' in a comment (2012-08-24 14:26:29 -0600)

2 0 Auto-suggest username when typing '@' in a comment (2012-08-24 14:10:37 -0600)

2 0 How to create new badges? (2012-08-24 12:23:55 -0600)

10 0 How to create new badges? (2012-08-24 12:14:56 -0600)