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Russian letters are oversized aa аа

When you look at the screenshot you see that all russian letters are too large. And for that reason some buttons have only few letters instead of whole words in it.

Questions in english have correct size, questions in russian not.

In my file was the only change to english:


is it not enough, should I change something else?

And please look at the title of this question

one letter "a" is english the other "a" is russian, and they differ in size.

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Toms's avatar
asked 2012-07-14 20:29:12 -0500, updated 2012-07-14 20:34:32 -0500
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2 Answers


edited: replaced font Yanone Kaffeesatz with Open Sans Condensed and this problem disappeared - the fix is available in the repository.

The problem was due to the absence of the Cyrillic characters in the Yanone Kaffeesatz font. In your case Russian letters were probably rendered in Arial (the fallback font after the fancy web-font).

Evgeny's avatar
answered 2012-07-15 16:33:18 -0500, updated 2012-07-16 01:08:41 -0500
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Thanks. what file should be changed? There are also some text strings not translated from english, for example in FAQ. Where to change them. Should I run some script after this change?

Toms's avatar Toms (2012-07-15 17:21:44 -0500) edit

Actually I've decided to switch to Open Sans Condensed, just wait till tomorrow or a bit later today.

Evgeny's avatar Evgeny (2012-07-15 17:30:13 -0500) edit

Thank you @Evgeny!

Toms's avatar Toms (2012-07-15 17:43:11 -0500) edit

Try the master branch now, I've switched the font.

Evgeny's avatar Evgeny (2012-07-15 21:11:07 -0500) edit
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After the update the size of english and russian words is equal, but look at the screenshot:

1) There are two badge icons

2) The search bar is not on the right place (probably it has fixed size and therefore not enough place)

3) "Follow" is composed of two words for that reason it is too large

4) The button is too small for the text in the button.

image description

Toms's avatar
answered 2012-07-16 06:09:55 -0500, updated 2012-07-16 14:58:17 -0500
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It will take some language-specific fixes to align everything. There are some examples in style.less file. Language code is attached as class to the "body" element.

Evgeny's avatar Evgeny (2012-07-16 08:42:11 -0500) edit

Hi Evgeny! I think the most issues with the appearance can be avoided with adjusted translation.

What is the best way to translate? Thank you!

Toms's avatar Toms (2012-07-16 15:45:57 -0500) edit
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