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User opted out of email notifications, but is still receiving them.

One of my user continue to receive notifications email even if he chose to not receive any emails.

Does it ever happened for you ?

If it has, how did you fix it ?

bgenevaux's avatar
asked 2012-08-31 07:18:25 -0500
todofixthis's avatar
updated 2012-08-31 11:31:38 -0500
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We have reports like this one. We'll be adding logging for emails sent in the debug mode to fish this out. Could that user send his/her level of subscription frequency? Is he/she an admin/moderator? Thanks.

Evgeny's avatar Evgeny (2012-08-31 08:48:54 -0500) edit

He isn't admin nor moderator. Apparently he once was notified instantly, and since he set all notifications on "no emails", he apparently still receives notifications as when it was instantly.

bgenevaux's avatar bgenevaux (2012-08-31 08:51:34 -0500) edit

He might have another account where the subscription is still on. I have never seen a case where all subscriptions are off and the user still gets the alerts.

Evgeny's avatar Evgeny (2012-08-31 09:42:20 -0500) edit

I'll check this out, thanks !

bgenevaux's avatar bgenevaux (2012-08-31 09:47:35 -0500) edit
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2 Answers


As askbot has multiple sign-in options, he might have used another account.

pajju's avatar
answered 2012-09-02 14:32:02 -0500
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No, can't happen, I disabled alternative logins providers, my users can only sign in through ldap.

bgenevaux's avatar bgenevaux (2012-09-03 02:42:20 -0500) edit
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I found what was wrong : In models/, in get_global_instant_notification_subscribers, you used the q_all feed type with i frequency filter only for exclude ignored tags and for only interesting tags, but NOT for show all tags tag filter.

Just have to change the part :

    #segment of users who have tag filter turned off
    global_subscribers = User.objects.filter(
        email_tag_filter_strategy = const.INCLUDE_ALL

to :

    #segment of users who have tag filter turned off
    global_subscribers = User.objects.filter(
        email_tag_filter_strategy = const.INCLUDE_ALL
    if global_subscribers:
        instant_subscribers = EmailFeedSetting.objects.filter_subscribers(
            potential_subscribers = global_subscribers,
            feed_type = 'q_all',
            frequency = 'i'

and it works well.

bgenevaux's avatar
answered 2012-09-03 06:34:12 -0500
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Btw, on the tag filter, how do a user choose which tags are used for the filter ?

bgenevaux's avatar bgenevaux (2012-09-03 06:36:07 -0500) edit
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